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Fisheries and Oceans Canada
Institute of Ocean Sciences, Sidney, BC

Water Properties Login

Welcome to the Website

Login is required to view all site content and anyone is welcome to create an account. New user accounts will be automatically activated once verified by email and if they are created from an approved IP address or if the email address used to register appears on an existing cruise plan. Users outside of our approved IP addresses and not appearing on an existing cruise plan require additional manual verification that can take up to 48 hours.

Create a New Water Properties Account

A Water Properties account will allow you to:

  • View all cruise requests, cruise numbers, cruise plans, equipment, and post-cruise reports and see which cruises you are participating on
  • Add any dietary preferances for cruises along with your C.V., photo, and certifications
  • Access our online oceanographic data holdings and program-specific pages

Fields marked with a * are required
First Name*: Last Name*:
Alternative Email:
(UVic and UBC users MUST provide an alternative address -- see why below)
Landline Phone Number: Format: ###-###-####
Mobile Phone Number*: Format: ###-###-####
If you are from outside of North America +1 country code you can just enter 999-999-9999 here
Role*:Cruise Participant/Data Access Chief Scientist  (changes dashboard default tab)
Password Again*:
Password must contain at least one number and one uppercase and lowercase letter, one special character (!@#$%^&-+), and at least 8 or more characters

Existing Users Login
Username :
Password :

Forgot your username?
Email :

Please note that your login credentials are not the same as your DFO Pacific Region Science DMApps login.

Alternative Email: You may add a second or alternative email address to your account. Some email servers reject emails sent from this server (including any and emails), so a second address may help you receive the activation code. You can remove the second address after you have activated your account.

Account login problems? Didn't receive the confirmation email? Please email Steve with your username.

Collaboration Partners:
This website has been developed as a tool for collaboration, data management, and interest of safety between various government departments and universities.